Jeff Minihan South Berwick Town Council Request a Ballot!

Smart Growth

Smart Growth of our town

Our town and our region are growing.  Once rural towns are gaining in population and local ordinances may not be adequate for promoting strong and healthy communities able to support and nurture the needs of its growing citizenry.  Smart Growth principles encourage the development of our town while also seeking to preserve the character of the land and its historical uses.

 Principles of Smart Growth are focused on the community and the people who make it up.  They focus on individual aspects and how they each blend together as a whole.  Primary focal points are:

  *Community Pride

Stable neighborhoods & communities with a clear identity inspire pride among residents.  Thoughtful design and development encourage self-sufficiency and area uniqueness.

  *Economic Vitality

Opportunities to live and work locally with responsible industries.  Strong, well-maintained transportation and utility infrastructure available for all income ranges

  *Housing Accessibility

A variety of housing and options for varying income levels.

  *Resource Protection

Deliberate strategies to protect, use, and integrate natural resources into development.

  *Citizen Involvement

Transparent leaders who encourage citizen collaboration and a variety of backgrounds.

 As with many things, each area is important.  To neglect one aspect is to weaken the whole.  Smart Growth principles encourage and support these interdependencies that make a community strong and vibrant.  By deliberately embracing these techniques, municipalities can embrace change while honoring their history.

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